Headshot: 15 USD
Waist-up: 20 USD
Knee-up: 25 USD
Full body: 30 USD-No charge for simple/no background
-Up to additional 15 USD for more complex background
-2x, 3x....the base price for one character per extra character
Painterly style
A more complex style

Headshot: 30 USD
Waist-up: 40 USD
Knee-up: 50 USD
Full body: 60 USD-No charge for simple/no backgrounds
-For more complex background, an extra price can go up to 25 USD
--2x, 3x....the base price for one character per extra character
Terms of service
I do not draw:-Furries
-Old people
-NSFW, revealing outfits, sexy
-Imitating people artstyles
-Couples/ships (unsure)
-Overly complex designs/armors
-Religious symbols (more particularly crosses, satanic symbols)
-anything potentially offensiveOrdering-I have the right to decline without any explanation
-If I accept, payment must be done before I start (PayPal only)
-Commercial purpose will cost 2.5x the price. Email me at [email protected]
-Prices aren't negotiable
-No refunds (unless I fail to finish the commission)
-Maximum 3 revisions during sketch phase, any more will be charged.
-There isn't any specific deadline, the time could vary depending on how busy I am.
-DM me on Instagram/Twitter if interested!